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The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Edmund Burke


There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.

Martin Luther


All the money in the world can't buy you back good health.

Reba McEntire


Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.

Thomas Jefferson


We should keep on going along the path of globalization. Globalization is good... when trade stops, war comes.

Jack Ma


The reason that a good citizen does not use such destructive means to become wealthier is that, if everyone did so, we would all become poorer from the mutual destructiveness.

Richard Stallman


Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand. If you have a healthy lifestyle, your diet and nutrition are set, and you're working out, you're going to feel good.

Jason Statham


Academic achievement was something I'd always sought as a form of reward. Good grades pleased my parents, good grades pleased my teachers; you got them in order to sew up approval.

Caroline Knapp


Laughter is an important part of a good relationship. It's an immense achievement when you can move from your thinking that your partner is merely an idiot to thinking that they are that wonderfully complex thing called a loveable idiot. And often that means having a little bit of a sense of humour about their flaws.

Alain de Botton


A nice person is a 'yes' person, whereas a good person is a person who accepts their responsibility in things and moves forward and tries to constantly evolve and isn't afraid to say no or challenge someone or be honest or truthful.

Miranda Kerr


Bad officials are the ones elected by good citizens who do not vote.

George Jean Nathan


I think what I love about the documentary process is that you bring yourself to the documentary. And hopefully that makes you ask good questions, and hopefully that makes you reveal a little bit about yourself as well.

Soledad O'Brien


Every time there's a new tool, whether it's Internet or cell phones or anything else, all these things can be used for good or evil. Technology is neutral; it depends on how it's used.

Rick Smolan


The test of good manners is to be patient with the bad ones.

Solomon Ibn Gabirol


Do all the work you can; that is the whole philosophy of the good way of life.

Eugene Delacroix


Sometimes comparing can be a good thing: it can inspire us to work harder and reach farther. But for the most part, excessive measuring yourself up against others — especially when it becomes a way to put yourself down — is a colossal waste of time. It's a dead end. It won't make you do anything except feel horrible.

Rachel Simmons


You're a good man, Charlie Brown.

Charles M. Schulz


A book comes and says, 'Write me'. My job is to try to serve it to the best of my ability, which is never good enough, but all I can do is listen to it, do what it tells me and collaborate.

Madeleine L'Engle


Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the Gods.



Men are only as good as their technical development allows them to be.

George Orwell


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