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The funniest memory that I can recall about my school days has to be one incident that involved unfinished homework for numerous days. I didn't do any of my homework for days and days at a stretch, and kept stalling my teacher that I was extremely unwell and was under heavy medication.

Karan Patel


Time and memory are true artists; they remould reality nearer to the heart's desire.

John Dewey


Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.

Albert Schweitzer


There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief.



When I played the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas on New Year's Eve, I got to bring Wiley, my 85-pound black lab. He's responsible for my favorite New Year's memory of all: At the end of the show, he ran onstage and then out across all the tables in the showroom, sending champagne glasses and gamblers flying.

Elayne Boosler


The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.

Marcus Tullius Cicero


I am my heart's undertaker. Daily I go and retrieve its tattered remains, place them delicately into its little coffin, and bury it in the depths of my memory, only to have to do it all again tomorrow.

Emilie Autumn


My favorite holiday memory was sitting at home all day in my pajamas during winter break for school watching a bunch of old Christmas movies like 'Jack Frost' and 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer' with my siblings and parents.

Becky G


There are lots of people who mistake their imagination for their memory.

Josh Billings


God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.

James M. Barrie


Selective memory is surely one of nature's most effective ways of ensuring the survival of our species.

Nigel Hamilton


My earliest memory is my mom picking me up after I had fallen down, giving me a big hug and reading me 'Goodnight Moon'. From that moment, to this one, every single memory I have of my mom is that regardless of what was happening in her life, she was always, always there for me.

Chelsea Clinton


You never realize what a good memory you have until you try to forget something.

Franklin P. Jones


No amount of time will weaken our allegiance to avenging those lost in the horrible attacks. America has a sharp memory, a firm resolve, and a commitment to her own.

John Doolittle


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