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The art of effective listening is essential to clear communication, and clear communication is necessary to management success.

James Cash Penney


There are six components of wellness: proper weight and diet, proper exercise, breaking the smoking habit, control of alcohol, stress management and periodic exams.

Kenneth H. Cooper


Success in management requires learning as fast as the world is changing.

Warren Bennis


Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing.

Tom Peters


Developments in medical technology have long been confined to procedural or pharmaceutical advances, while neglecting a most basic and essential component of medicine: patient information management.

John Doolittle


In long term investments, you don't need day to day management.

Shiv Khera


Time management is an oxymoron. Time is beyond our control, and the clock keeps ticking regardless of how we lead our lives. Priority management is the answer to maximizing the time we have.

John C. Maxwell


This legislation confronts the human truth that the need for clean water knows no borders, and proper management and intervention can be a currency for peace and international cooperation.

Bill Frist


Management is defense. You basically say, 'This is the direction; this is where we're heading', and then it's my job to get everything else out of the way. All the other things that can become a distraction keep us from executing well. Get those out of the way, because the team ultimately needs to run in that direction and execute well.

Marissa Mayer


Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.

Peter Drucker


Climate change joined immigration, job creation, food safety, pilot training, veterans' care, campaign finance, transportation security, labor law, mine safety, wildfire management, and scores of executive and judicial appointments on the list of matters that the world's greatest deliberative body is incapable of addressing.

George Packer


Leadership contains certain elements of good management, but it requires that you inspire, that you build durable trust. For an organization to be not just good but to win, leadership means evoking participation larger than the job description, commitment deeper than any job contract's wording.

Stanley A. McChrystal


Most of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get their work done.

Peter Drucker


When a management with a reputation for brilliance tackles a business with a reputation for bad economics, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact.

Warren Buffett


Money management has been a profession involving a lot of fakery — people saying they can beat the market, and they really can't.

Robert J. Shiller


Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.

Stephen Covey


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