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Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that's beautiful.

Rashida Jones


Humor is mankind's greatest blessing.

Mark Twain


I make jokes because humor is the greatest healing factor that there is.

Dick Dale


Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor; for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit.



My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.

Maya Angelou


I love a man with a great sense of humor and who is intelligent — a man who has a great smile. He has to make me laugh. I like a man who is very ambitious and driven and who has a good heart and makes me feel safe. I like a man who is very strong and independent and confident — that is very sexy — but at the same time, he's very kind to people.

Nicole Scherzinger


Be strong, believe in freedom and in God, love yourself, understand your sexuality, have a sense of humor, masturbate, don't judge people by their religion, color or sexual habits, love life and your family.

Madonna Ciccone


There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt.

Erma Bombeck


Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up.

Allen Klein


Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you.

Langston Hughes


Celebrate your successes. Find some humor in your failures.

Sam Walton


The thing that makes 'Dirty Jobs' different is that it's one of the few shows that portrays work in a way that doesn't highlight the drudgery. Instead, it highlights the humor.

Mike Rowe


A little perspective, like a little humor, goes a long way.

Allen Klein


There are two insults no human being will endure: that he has no sense of humor, and that he has never known trouble.

Sinclair Lewis


My view of life is colored by humor and looking at the best in any situation.

Michael J. Fox


Honest good humor is the oil and wine of a merry meeting, and there is no jovial companionship equal to that where the jokes are rather small and laughter abundant.

Washington Irving


A lot about Congress is about forming good working relationships with people, and humor can really help you do that.

Linda Sanchez


Everybody I know who is funny, it's in them. You can teach timing, or some people are able to tell a joke, though I don't like to tell jokes. But I think you have to be born with a sense of humor and a sense of timing.

Carol Burnett


In the household in which I was raised, the themes were pretty simple. 'Work hard. Don't quit. Be appreciative, be thankful, be grateful, be respectful. Also, never whine, never complain. And always, for crying out loud, keep a sense of humor'.

Michael Keaton


Dad needs to show an incredible amount of respect and humor and friendship toward his mate so the kids understand their parents are sexy, they're fun, they do things together, they're best friends. Kids learn by example. If I respect Mom, they're going to respect Mom.

Tim Allen


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