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Any good teacher knows how important it is to connect with students and understand our culture.

Adora Svitak


I loved doing 'Pennies from Heaven'. Because you have to understand that I'd been doing comedy for 15 to 20 years, and suddenly along came the opportunity to do this beautiful film. It was so emotional to me. I loved it. I don't think it was a good career move, but I have no regrets about doing it.

Steve Martin


Most of what I've learnt is too personal or controversial to share, but nevertheless, experiences have helped me understand things better and have been necessary for what my journey in future will be.

Tena Desae


Travel early and travel often. Live abroad, if you can. Understand cultures other than your own. As your understanding of other cultures increases, your understanding of yourself and your own culture will increase exponentially.

Tom Freston


I think people understand that if you're going to have a successful economy, you need people's potential to be realized. That means education. It means university education, sure, but it also means training, apprenticeships and various kinds of skills diplomas that we know are necessary.

Justin Trudeau


You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen.

Paulo Coelho


I eat, sleep, and breathe movies. Though I didn't understand the seriousness of films when I made my debut, I felt on top of the world.



Culture makes people understand each other better. And if they understand each other better in their soul, it is easier to overcome the economic and political barriers. But first they have to understand that their neighbour is, in the end, just like them, with the same problems, the same questions.

Paulo Coelho


Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.

Henry David Thoreau


We create our own unhappiness. The purpose of suffering is to help us understand we are the ones who cause it.

Willie Nelson


I have tremendous faith in God that all things happen for a reason, even if we don't understand.

Terri Irwin


Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.

Marie Curie


The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.

Peter Drucker


Dad needs to show an incredible amount of respect and humor and friendship toward his mate so the kids understand their parents are sexy, they're fun, they do things together, they're best friends. Kids learn by example. If I respect Mom, they're going to respect Mom.

Tim Allen


Our people could not talk with these white-faced men, but they used signs which all people understand.

Chief Joseph


I try to understand place on a deeper level than just the physical or environmental aspects. It includes cultural and intellectual forces, too. It's an inclusive approach that brings in many disciplines and sees place as a dynamic thing.

Antoine Predock


In Afghanistan, you don't understand yourself solely as an individual. You understand yourself as a son, a brother, a cousin to somebody, an uncle to somebody. You are part of something bigger than yourself.

Khaled Hosseini


I think you don't do work for controversy alone, and whenever you do new work which people don't understand and they say it is done to create controversy.

M. F. Husain


A doctor does not ask about political views and opinions — that is how I understand my role.

Ewa Kopacz


Each material has its specific characteristics which we must understand if we want to use it. This is no less true of steel and concrete.

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe


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