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I was lucky to marry Paul. He was a great inspiration, his enthusiasm about wine and food helped to shape my tastes, and his encouragement saw me through discouraging moments. I never would have had my career without Paul Child.

Julia Child


Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity.

Bo Bennett


Dogs have boundless enthusiasm but no sense of shame. I should have a dog as a life coach.



In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm. In the real world all rests on perseverance.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


There is one common thing in superstars — enthusiasm and humility towards their work. Off sets, they are big stars for others, and they carry themselves the way they want to. When they are working, they are not stars.

Abhishek Bachchan


If you have passion, there is no need for excuses because your enthusiasm will trump any negative reasoning you might come up with. Enthusiasm makes excuses a nonissue.

Wayne Dyer


Enthusiasm glows, radiates, permeates and immediately captures everyone's interest.

Paul J. Meyer


Winners must learn to relish change with the same enthusiasm and energy that we have resisted it in the past.

Tom Peters


Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

Samuel Ullman


I know of no single formula for success. But over the years I have observed that some attributes of leadership are universal and are often about finding ways of encouraging people to combine their efforts, their talents, their insights, their enthusiasm and their inspiration to work together.

Queen Elizabeth II


There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.

Alexander Hamilton


There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.

Norman Vincent Peale


Protect your enthusiasm from the negativity of others.

H. Jackson Brown Jr.


Enthusiasm is the yeast that raises the dough.

Paul J. Meyer


The power of youth is the common wealth for the entire world. The faces of young people are the faces of our past, our present and our future. No segment in the society can match with the power, idealism, enthusiasm and courage of the young people.

Kailash Satyarthi


A few minutes ago every tree was excited, bowing to the roaring storm, waving, swirling, tossing their branches in glorious enthusiasm like worship. But though to the outer ear these trees are now silent, their songs never cease.

John Muir


Enthusiasm just creates bubbles; it doesn't keep them from popping.

Adora Svitak


Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.

Adam Smith


Enthusiasm is everything. It must be taut and vibrating like a guitar string.



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