Taylor Hanson

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I know for my wife and I, we always loved the idea of being young parents.


Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day.


To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world.


You can say we're trying too hard or that we didn't try hard enough, but we're not trying at all; we're just doing what we do.


There's always a spattering of people who see Hanson who were influenced by classic '60's and '70's rock and roll. In a lot of ways, we're sort of the anatomy of a '70's rock band if you examine what we do: white guys who grew up listening to soul music from the '50's and '60's.


Sometimes, fear is good. Sometimes it's a good thing to have a little bit of a reality check.


The Tinted Windows shows were very fun but it's very different for me as a performer. I'm not playing music — I'm just singing and I missed that. I miss rocking out on keys, drums, guitar... whatever it is.


A lot of labels are hiring a lot more accountants than people that know music.


I've figured out what to do with my hands... onstage. I'm a percussion player, so I grab a tambourine as much as I can.


Hanson has rapid female fans, which I'm completely proud of, but a lot of fans are a contingent that have grown up with us really — our peers. There's younger fans. More and more guys are Hanson fans, musicians or kind of guys who were into a Beatles record.


Hopefully, there's a place in music for Tinted Windows. If we're really trying to be iconic, we should just stop right now. If one of us could die, that would also help. But I don't think anybody wants that gig.


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