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When one cultivates to the utmost the principles of his nature, and exercises them on the principle of reciprocity, he is not far from the path. What you do not like when done to yourself, do not do to others.



In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.

John Muir


Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.

Frank Lloyd Wright


If you can't be in awe of Mother Nature, there's something wrong with you.

Alex Trebek


I can find God in nature, in animals, in birds and the environment.

Pat Buckley


Even with all our technology and the inventions that make modern life so much easier than it once was, it takes just one big natural disaster to wipe all that away and remind us that, here on Earth, we're still at the mercy of nature.

Neil deGrasse Tyson


Nature is impersonal, awe-inspiring, elegant, eternal. It's geometrically perfect. It's tiny and gigantic. You can travel far to be in a beautiful natural setting, or you can observe it in your backyard — or, in my case, in the trees lining New York City sidewalks, or in the clouds above skyscrapers.

Gretchen Rubin


Water is the driving force of all nature.

Leonardo da Vinci


When a dragonfly flutters by, you may not realize, but it's the greatest flier in nature. It can hover, fly backwards, even upside down.

Louie Schwartzberg


One who is kind is sympathetic and gentle with others. He is considerate of others' feelings and courteous in his behavior. He has a helpful nature. Kindness pardons others' weaknesses and faults. Kindness is extended to all — to the aged and the young, to animals, to those low of station as well as the high.

Ezra Taft Benson


The most used program in computers and education is PowerPoint. What are you learning about the nature of the medium by knowing how do to a great PowerPoint presentation? Nothing. It certainly doesn't teach you how to think critically about living in a culture of simulation.

Sherry Turkle


I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.

John D. Rockefeller


There's design, and there's art. Good design is total harmony. There's no better designer than nature — if you look at a branch or a leaf, it's perfect. It's all function. Art is different. It's about emotion. It's about suffering and beauty — but mostly suffering!

Diane von Furstenberg


My youngest son becomes an award-winning nature photographer, and I cannot resist writing poems to his pictures. My daughter loves to cook, though I do not. Yet together, we write a cookbook with fairy tales. And now a second.

Jane Yolen


Were I called on to define, very briefly, the term Art, I should call it 'the reproduction of what the Senses perceive in Nature through the veil of the soul'. The mere imitation, however accurate, of what is in Nature, entitles no man to the sacred name of 'Artist'.

Edgar Allan Poe


What I want to do with my filmmaking is help kids experience the truth and wisdom of nature no matter where they are, whether or not they have the opportunity to go to a national park.

Louie Schwartzberg


Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher.

William Wordsworth


At the end of the day, you can't compete with Mother Nature. If you've got a great tomato, just a pinch of sea salt is all you need.

Zac Posen


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