Madeline Stuart

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Giving is the most self-satisfying thing you can ever do.


I first realized I wanted to model when my mum and I were at a local carnival, and she took me to a fashion show. I had never been to one before, and when I saw the girls on the catwalk, I fell in love with them.


A model is supposed to represent reality, and in reality, people come in all shapes, sizes, nationality, and colour.


I am just a girl chasing her dreams and having an amazing adventure.


Have fun and believe in yourself.


The unknown is always scary.


I only really discovered modelling in August 2014 when I went to the Royal Queensland Show in Brisbane and watched a fashion parade. At that moment, I decided it looked like an awesome thing to do. Before then, my spare time was competing at Special Olympics, dancing, and acting.


People with Down syndrome can do anything. They just do it at their own pace. Give them a chance, and you will be rewarded beyond your greatest expectations.


People with disabilities are capable and deserve the same opportunities as everyone else.


I am so excited that society is taking so much interest in the disability sector and our belief in inclusion is getting so much media coverage.


I love being on the catwalk.


I think that the message of inclusion is something a lot of people believe in and want to see succeed.


Aren't we all human? Don't we all deserve to be respected and treated equally?


I would love to work with Karlie Kloss and model for Chanel. And I would love to be in a music video with Lady Gaga or Taylor Swift, my two favorite artists.


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