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An oppressive government is more to be feared than a tiger.



Willie: You can't vote, ALF , you're not a citizen.
ALF: I'll apply for a green card.
Willie: That's only if you want a job.
ALF: Pass.
ALF: I know, I'll marry Lynn. Become a citizen, vote, then drop her of like a hot potato.
Willie: ALF...
ALF: Sure it will be hard on her first. She'll cry, drink a little too much. Join with a bongo player named Waquine.
Willie: ALF.
ALF: You'd like Waquine, he doesn't like beets.
Willie: Neither you or Waquine may marry my daughter and you may not vote.
ALF: Fine. I have not voice in government, Waquine will get deported, and they'll make him eat beets.
Willie: How many cups of coffee have you had?
ALF: Forty. Why?



When I am abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the government of my own country. I make up for lost time when I come home.

Winston Churchill


Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.

Franklin D. Roosevelt


Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.

Abraham Lincoln


Election days come and go. But the struggle of the people to create a government which represents all of us and not just the one percent — a government based on the principles of economic, social, racial and environmental justice — that struggle continues.

Bernie Sanders


The American citizen must be made aware that today a relatively small group of people is proclaiming its purposes to be the will of the People. That elitist approach to government must be repudiated.

William E. Simon


To me, democratic socialism means democracy. It means creating a government that represents all of us, not just the wealthiest people in the country.

Bernie Sanders


Unless your government is respectable, foreigners will invade your rights; and to maintain tranquillity, it must be respectable — even to observe neutrality, you must have a strong government.

Alexander Hamilton


Corruption is the enemy of development, and of good governance. It must be got rid of. Both the government and the people at large must come together to achieve this national objective.

Pratibha Patil


The best form of government is that which is most likely to prevent the greatest sum of evil.

James Monroe


In 2006, I entered the presidential palace in the main square of La Paz as the first indigenous president of Bolivia. Our government, under the slogan 'Bolivia Changes', is committed to ending the colonialism, racism and exclusion that many of our people lived under for many centuries.

Evo Morales


A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.

Thomas Jefferson


One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace, good people don't go into government.

Donald Trump


It sometimes seems easier to trace the great general laws of God's government in the passage of events far from us than in those close around us. We see the shape of those far-off constellations, but we cannot group or set in order that to which our own sun belongs.

Edward Everett Hale


I know that a prime minister of Canada needs to be deeply respectful of the other levels of government — whether it be municipal, provincial, or even nation-to-nation relationships with aboriginal governments.

Justin Trudeau


I wish all high schools could offer students the outside activities that were available at the old Harrison High on Chicago's West Side in the late '20s. They enabled me to become part of a school newspaper, drama group, football team and student government.

Irv Kupcinet


If the great American people will only keep their temper, on both sides of the line, the troubles will come to an end, and the question which now distracts the country will be settled just as surely as all other difficulties of like character which have originated in this government have been adjusted.

Abraham Lincoln


The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.

Abraham Lincoln


A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce, or a tragedy, or perhaps both.

James Madison


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