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I have a wish. It as a fear as well — that in my end will be my beginning.

Che Guevara


I do the very best I know how — the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end.

Abraham Lincoln


We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

T. S. Eliot


Culture makes people understand each other better. And if they understand each other better in their soul, it is easier to overcome the economic and political barriers. But first they have to understand that their neighbour is, in the end, just like them, with the same problems, the same questions.

Paulo Coelho


And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.

Jesus Christ


When I played the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas on New Year's Eve, I got to bring Wiley, my 85-pound black lab. He's responsible for my favorite New Year's memory of all: At the end of the show, he ran onstage and then out across all the tables in the showroom, sending champagne glasses and gamblers flying.

Elayne Boosler


If you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, you are looking the wrong way.

Barry Commoner


Growing economies are critical; we will never be able to end poverty unless economies are growing. We also need to find ways of growing economies so that the growth creates good jobs, especially for young people, especially for women, especially for the poorest who have been excluded from the economic system.

Jim Yong Kim


Prayer is the beginning and the end, the source and the fruit, the core and the content, the basis and the goal of all peacemaking.

Henri Nouwen


If the great American people will only keep their temper, on both sides of the line, the troubles will come to an end, and the question which now distracts the country will be settled just as surely as all other difficulties of like character which have originated in this government have been adjusted.

Abraham Lincoln


Charity begins at home, but should not end there.

Thomas Fuller


For too long, our society has shrugged off bullying by labeling it a 'rite of passage' and by asking students to simply 'get over it'. Those attitudes need to change. Every day, students are bullied into silence and are afraid to speak up. Let's break this silence and end school bullying.

Linda Sanchez


Animal hoarding was a dirty secret until hoarders appeared on our TV screens and showed how they are compelled to collect so many dogs, cats or parrots that the animals end up in cages only inches bigger than their own bodies. For life.

Ingrid Newkirk


In the end, abortion is an issue of fundamental human rights. To force women to undergo pregnancy and childbirth against their will is to deprive them of the right to make basic decisions about their lives and well-being, and to give that power to the state.

Katha Pollitt


When we talk about the word 'socialism', I think what it really means is just democratic participation in our economic dignity and our economic, social, and racial dignity. It is about direct representation and people actually having power and stake over their economic and social wellness, at the end of the day.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


The thing about the end of the world is that not just the West collapses, the whole world does.

Douglas Coupland


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