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I worked in theater my whole life. My mom was a drama teacher at my middle school. In high school, I was Drama Club President every year, and then I auditioned for conservatory acting programs.

Jenn Proske


In 2006, I entered the presidential palace in the main square of La Paz as the first indigenous president of Bolivia. Our government, under the slogan 'Bolivia Changes', is committed to ending the colonialism, racism and exclusion that many of our people lived under for many centuries.

Evo Morales


The story of FDR as U.S. Commander in Chief is a heroic war story of a president who had already overcome great adversity in facing polio but who went on to take the reins of our armed forces in the greatest conflagration in human history — on our behalf.

Nigel Hamilton


The Secure Fence Act, which authorizes the construction of 700 miles of security barriers along the southwest border, has now been sent to President Bush for his signature. This piece of legislation is an important piece of the border security puzzle.

Randy Neugebauer


The great Comrade Kim Jong Il was an outstanding leader who, true to the President's great idea, developed Chongryon into a pacesetter of patriotism, into a model of patriotic loyalty to the motherland, and into a prototype body of overseas compatriots.

Kim Jong-un


When you get to be President, there are all those things, the honors, the twenty-one gun salutes, all those things. You have to remember it isn't for you. It's for the Presidency.

Harry S Truman


President Bush's emergency declaration for the State of Texas is great news for the people and communities that have experienced the devastating wildfires firsthand. Already, communities have rallied to help neighbors in need.

Randy Neugebauer


President Obama is doing the right thing by offering young immigrants, most often in this country through no action of their own, a chance to live and work openly, free from the fear of deportation.

Eliot Spitzer


Surely the President can agree with us, that theft from government is not good. I know it's bold. It's out on the edge. I know from a Chicago-Springfield background it's hard to fully grasp that honesty could be part of government.

Newt Gingrich


President Obama has almost doubled our national debt to more than $19 trillion, and growing. And yet, what do we have to show for it? Our roads and bridges are falling apart, our airports are in Third World condition, and forty-three million Americans are on food stamps.

Donald Trump


In my opinion eight years as president is enough and sometimes too much for any man to serve in that capacity.

Harry S Truman


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