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There's nothing I believe in more strongly than getting young people interested in science and engineering, for a better tomorrow, for all humankind.

Bill Nye


President Bush's emergency declaration for the State of Texas is great news for the people and communities that have experienced the devastating wildfires firsthand. Already, communities have rallied to help neighbors in need.

Randy Neugebauer


When people talk of the freedom of writing, speaking or thinking I cannot choose but laugh. No such thing ever existed. No such thing now exists; but I hope it will exist. But it must be hundreds of years after you and I shall write and speak no more.

John Adams


Every comedian dreams of hosting 'The Tonight Show' and, for seven months, I got to. I did it my way, with people I love, and I do not regret a second.

Conan O'Brien


Construction is an important front for solidifying the foundations of a thriving country and creating bases for the people's happy life.

Kim Jong-un


Science and technology are a propellant for building a thriving country, and the happiness of the people and the future of the country hinge on their development.

Kim Jong-un


You look at my audience, and it proves what Congress thinks America is, is wrong. I get people across the political spectrum. Parents and kids come and they're all punked out, and there are these other guys in John Deere caps.

Lewis Black


I am with a very successful man, and the crazy thing is people think that it makes my career easier.

Nikki Bella


I meant that the Chinese people are not aware of their own entrapment. They believe they live in a free society, but don't realize how much they are being monitored and controlled, how much the information they receive is restricted and warped, until they step out of line, that is, and feel the heavy hand of the state fall on them.

Ma Jian


Honestly, I wasn't that girl in high school who people spread rumors about.

Josie Loren


Before marriage, many couples are very much like people rushing to catch an airplane; once aboard, they turn into passengers. They just sit there.

J. Paul Getty


We go after legacies because we just know that, sooner or later, people will understand what we bring to this culture and bring to the game.

Fat Joe


Our young people are patriots and heroes whom we can be proud of before the world; that they have a large contingent of such trustworthy young people is a great blessing for the Workers' Party of Korea and a source of pride for Korea, and this assures the great strength of our dignified state and its bright future.

Kim Jong-un


Mostly I am sorry for the way I thought of other people. Like a good general, I had treated everyone who wasn't with me as against me.

Lee Atwater


Many people spend more time in planning the wedding than they do in planning the marriage.

Zig Ziglar


Socialism is a sacred cause for realizing the demand and desire of the masses of the people for independence; it is a revolutionary cause that advances amid a fierce struggle against imperialism and all other counterrevolutionary forces.

Kim Jong-un


My noble respect also goes to the anti-Japanese revolutionary forerunners, martyrs of the People's Army and other patriotic martyrs who dedicated all their precious things to promoting the development of our Party and the prosperity of the country in loyal support of the great leaders.

Kim Jong-un


In spite of the opinions of certain narrow-minded people, who would shut up the human race upon this globe, as within some magic circle it must never outstep, we shall one day travel to the moon, the planets, and the stars, with the same facility, rapidity, and certainty as we now make the voyage from Liverpool to New York!

Jules Verne


I think you don't do work for controversy alone, and whenever you do new work which people don't understand and they say it is done to create controversy.

M. F. Husain


Of course New York is the Mecca of style in America, but don't knock Phoenix — it's not as big, but there are lots of people with style there.

Amar'e Stoudemire


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