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I've always wanted to see what Egypt was like when they were building the pyramids or Rome at the height of the empire or Greece — more specifically, Crete before it was destroyed. Why? Because I'm curious how we all hung out on a day to day basis, what was the chit chat, etc. Reading things in a book never gives you the feel.

Albert Hammond Jr.


Egypt gave birth to what later would become known as 'Western Civilization', long before the greatness of Greece and Rome.

John Henrik Clarke


I've always really, really wanted to go to Egypt and go inside some pyramids and just hang out there. I don't know why. I don't like hot weather, and I don't like the desert, but something about the pyramid and the mummies and all their history there, I'd love to go check it out.

Jean-Luc Bilodeau


Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

Mark Twain


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