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If you don't think your anxiety, depression, sadness and stress impact your physical health, think again. All of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in your body, which can lead to inflammation and a weakened immune system. Learn how to cope, sweet friend. There will always be dark days.

Kris Carr


Some people ask why people would go into a dark room to be scared. I say they are already scared, and they need to have that fear manipulated and massaged. I think of horror movies as the disturbed dreams of a society.

Wes Craven


There's a dark side to everything.



Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.

Rabindranath Tagore


Wherever my story takes me, however dark and difficult the theme, there is always some hope and redemption, not because readers like happy endings, but because I am an optimist at heart. I know the sun will rise in the morning, that there is a light at the end of every tunnel.

Michael Morpurgo


I have my own demons and dark moods. It's weird.

Chris Rock


The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.

Robert Frost


Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.

Helen Keller


Love myself I do. Not everything, but I love the good as well as the bad. I love my crazy lifestyle, and I love my hard discipline. I love my freedom of speech and the way my eyes get dark when I'm tired. I love that I have learned to trust people with my heart, even if it will get broken. I am proud of everything that I am and will become.

Johnny Weir


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